Weiß Schwarz - Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage! Leo/Need Trial Deck+ - EN
The characters from the popular mobile game, "HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE!" arrive on the stage of Weiß Schwarz!
The following VIRTUAL SINGER cards will be featured in all Trial Decks+! Parallel Cards Parallel cards are randomly sealed into decks! Every deck contains 2 shiny cards! In addition, every deck you purchase has a chance to contain one of the following! • [OFR] Rare cards with a frameless design • [5 Types - TD1+, TD2+, TD4+ & TD5+] • [6 Types - TD3+] • [SSP] Hot-stamped rare card (1 type)
Product Specifications • 15 types of cards + 8 parallels • [TD1+, TD2+, TD4+ & TD5+] • 15 types of cards + 9 parallels • [TD3+] 50 cards per deck 6 decks per display 8 displays per carton ※ Rules Sheet, Playmat, and Deck Manual included ※The contents of each deck (excluding parallel cards) are exactly the same.
NEO-STANDARD DECK CONSTRUCTION The cards in the above Trial Decks may be used together with cards with card numbers beginning with "PJS/"!