Weiß Schwarz - Blue Archive Booster Display (12 packs) - JP

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Price in points: 4990 points
Reward points: 50 points
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8 cards in 1 package & 12 packages in 1 box. 96 cards. Please note that you cannot necessarily get all kinds of the items in one box.

- The popular smartphone app game [Blue Archive] joins Weiss Schwarz! - Contains many beautiful illustrations such as the memorial lobby and in-game event illustrations! - Not only can you strengthen the trial deck released at the same time, but you can also build a deck and play with just the booster pack! - Contains 45 types of foil-stamped autograph cards from cast members! - Please check the Weiss Schwarz official website for details.

- [Normal 142 types] + [Parallel 142 types] - RR: 15 types R: 30 types SP: 45 types - U: 40 types C: 43 types RRR: 14 types - CR: 14 types SR: 83 types

[Neo Standard Construction Classification] - You can build a deck only with cards with card numbers starting with [BAV/].

- Box bonus: One of the 26 types of special first-act-last cards will be included in the box (planned)

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